MICHIGAN STATE GUN LAWS.pdf is a summary of the Michigan state gun laws. Please download it to view detailed gun laws that may apply to NFA or Title II firearms
Thompson Machine Gun Wanted
I have a client who is looking to purchase a Thompson Machine Gun in Florida. If you are not in Florida, there is a local transfer agent willing to help out. If you have one for sale or know of one at a good price please let us know.
You’ve been served by Facebook
Could you be served court papers by Facebook? Recently a judge in Australia allowed a defendant in a law suit to be served copies of court papers by their Facebook account. After the judge was satisfied that the defendant was the same person who owned the Facebook account and the defendant was unable to be located, the judge allowed the defendant to be served through their Facebook account. The Legal Blog Watch has an article posted by Carolyn Elefant – Court Papers Served By Facebook
ATF, Title II Weapons / Firearms, Transfers and Purchases under the NFA
There seems to much confusion between various terms dealing with the National Firearms Act. There are Title 1 weapons and Title II weapons. Title II weapons are those covered by the NFA and which transfer ownership and possession must be approved the the ATF (Alcohol Tobacco Firearms) or more accurately the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives).
NFA Gun Trust Training
On Thursday December 11th, 2008 the Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC will be providing training to the management and sales people at Shooters in Jacksonville Florida on the benefits and advantages of using an NFA Trust to purchase and hold Title II weapons under the NFA. If you have a Gun Store and sell Title II firearms please contact a Gun Trust Lawyer® to schedule training for your staff.
International Travel with Class 3 Firearms
Recently we had a client ask if it was permissible to travel into international waters with Title II firearms or those restricted by the NFA.
The ATF responded that it was not permissible. Although we see no indication in the NFA that this is a restricted activity.
Traveling to Multiple States with NFA Firearms
What if you want to travel to several states on a trip and bring a firearm which is restricted by the NFA?
When traveling across state lines, it is important to get pre-approval to bring Title II weapons with you. Each location would require a separate Form 20 approval. The ATF will allow you to have a date range of up to 1 year for the travel time and will also accept more than 1 Form 20 at the same time.
If you have a question about traveling with a NFA weapon, Contact a NFA Gun Trust Lawyer®.
District of Columbia V. Heller
The NRA is offering a special book by Les Adams, author of The Second Amendment Primer, which deals with the Heller decision.
You can order a signed copy of the District of Columbia v. Heller: An Anatomy of the Supreme Court’s Landmark Second Amendment Decision from the NRA’s Affiliate Palladium Press. You can also call them at 1-888-397-3377.
Florida Gun Crimes
The Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC has hired Cynthia Veintemillas, a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorney who will be dealing with Jacksonville Gun Crimes. For more information Florida Gun Crimes or to Contact a Jacksonville Weapons Lawyer. Cynthia publishes the Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog.
Gun article inaccuracies
NSSF has launched a new blog aimed at hunting down and correcting inaccuracies about firearms, the firearms industry and the shooting sports. The blog, titled “Aiming for Accuracy,” is updated regularly with news, links and other helpful resources for members of the media and others