By Evan F. Nappen
Washington, D.C. Senator Lousenburg (D. NJ) has filed the “Turn Tail and Run” (TTR) bill in the U.S. Senate which, if passed, would preempt ALL State “Stand Your Ground” (SYG) laws. The new bill would impose a national duty to retreat at all times when one encounters a criminal threat or is about to become a victim of violent crime. New York City Mayor Bloomingidiot has made passage of the “TTR” a centerpiece of his national “Second Chance at Shoot First” campaign. The mayor heartily approved of TTR, especially since bodyguards of celebrities, VIP’s, and political figures were exempted.
When the President was asked about TTR at a recent press conference he expressed his eager support. He said “Great Britain has long banned self-defense” and “Americans need to be brave, like Sir Robin.” The President then quoted a passage from the classic British tale of Sir Robin: