NO. While a FFL with a Class III SOT is licensed to purchase and sell TItle II firearms, you as an individual, through a Gun Trust – Available at Gun Trust Lawyers®, or as a business entity do not have to have a FFL(in most states). In the past some states like Missouri required a FFL or C&R license to purchase Title II firearms. Late last year Missouri changed the law and a FFL is not required. We are not aware of any other states that current have this requirement.
The Gun Trust is a specific trust created by David Goldman in 2008 and is only available through Gun Trust Lawyers®. While others may use the words Gun Trust, unless it contains out copyright, it is not our trust. To make sure your documents cover all of the NFA issues, check to see if they are copyrighted by David Goldman. If you would like to find out about becoming a Gun Trust Lawyer® please Contact Us.