Articles Posted in Firearms Articles

The Virginia Citizens

Defense League, Inc. notified me of two upcoming shows that will feature firearms news.

1.  60 Minutes / VCDL segment to air on Sunday
2.  A hit piece on guns  tomorrow night on ABC’s 20/20?

Philip Van Cleave was interviewed by Leslie Stahi with CBS’s 60 Minutes for an upcoming show dealing with gun shows, the non-existent “gun show loophole,” and the future of our right to keep and bear arms.

bedbunker.jpgDJ&F International of Spokane Washington has introduced a innovative Gun Safe.  The 1500 LB strongbox is a fireproof safe designed to replace the box spring under a twin, queen, or king size mattress and is compatible with most standard bed frames.  The safe provides protection against fire for 2 hours at a maximum of 1533 degrees.  It can store 32 rifles and 70 hand guns and comes with a lifetime guarantee.

For more information contact

John Adrain
Heracles Research Corporation
P.O. Box 346
Spokane, WA 99210      

Long Beach City Council is set to vote on whether to draft an ordinance to force ammunition sellers in Long Beach
to record the identity of all ammunition purchasers, as well as other details of the sales transaction. These records would then be collected and used by the Long Beach Police Department to identify purchasers who are legally prohibited from possessing ammunition.

Father-swinging-baby.jpgRecently my wife was in New York visiting some family when they attempted to convince her that I, her husband, was helping criminals avoid background checks and arming them with machine guns, assault weapons, and other “illegal” firearms.  Additionally, the opined that my NFA Gun Trust Lawyer® website was a radical Gun Rights forum. 

While I would not find this hard to believe coming from people who live in the Northeast, I did find it hard to believe from transplanted New Yorkers who live in Texas and been surrounded by individual gun owners and guns being a part of the culture.  In trying to explain what I do to some family members including my wife, I found that there were some basic misunderstandings of the process, and the state of the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution as the Supreme Court interpreted it last year.  I decided that this would be valuable for many of my clients who are often dealing with similar issues.  Many people have family members or friends who are uneducated on the current status and interpretation of the Second Amendment.  As a result many people feel that there is an interpretation issue surrounding what the Second Amendment means.  While the Supreme court in a divided court found in favor of the individuals right to own a firearm, they unanimously found that the Second Amendment applied to an individuals right to keep and bear arms and not to that of a state.   We are at a time in history, when many of our rights involved in gun ownership are at risk.  Even though our current administration states that they support the Second Amendment, the do not support it as it has recently been interpreted and have an agenda posted on their website under urban plans to ban assault weapons.  They are currently trying to define an assault weapon as any firearm that have a removable cartridge.

statue_of_liberty.jpgWhile some people are not “pro-firearms,” they still may believe in the ability for others to exercise their 2nd amendment right if they so choose.  This is similar to people that are “pro-choice” on abortion issues, but do not impose their beliefs on others. In the United States, women have the right to choose (within limitations) and Americans have the right to own firearms (within limitations), without unnecessary burdens or restrictions from the State government.  Whether or not you choose to possess the firearm is a decision that should be up to you just as other individual rights that are guaranteed to us in the US constitution.  

Recent amendments to the Ohio Concealed Carry laws exemplify an increasingly pro-gun sentiment in the state.  In particular, the legislature enacted Senate Bill 184 as an amendment to Ohio’s Concealed Carry law, more commonly referred to as the Castle Doctrine, into law on June 10, 2008.  By passing the bill through legislature with tremendous support (31-0 in the Senate and 73-23 in the House), Ohio follows states such as Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, and 14 others, in protecting the right of gun owners to protect their “castle.”

A Castle Doctrine (also known as a Castle Law or a Defense of Habitation Law) is an American legal concept derived from English Common Law, which designates one’s place of residence, or any place legally occupied, as a place in which one enjoys protection from illegal trespassing and violent attack. Ohio R.C. § 2901.05(C)(2), (3).  It then goes on to give a person the legal right to use deadly force to defend that place (his/her “castle”), or any other innocent persons legally inside it, from violent attack or an intrusion which may lead to violent attack.  Ohio R.C. §2901.05(B)(1), Ohio R.C §2901.09(B).  The legal effect of the Castle Doctine is to protect the homeowner from criminal or civil suit resulting from the use of deadly force which actually results in death.
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On Monday, March 9, the U.S. Supreme Court denied consideration of New York City and Washington, D.C. lawsuits, New York v. Beretta and Lawson v. Beretta. The suits were trying to hold American gun manufacturers responsible for the acts of criminals. The Supreme Court ‘s order leaves standing a pair of decisions by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and District of Columbia Court of Appeals, both of which found that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), enacted in 2005, prevents these types of lawsuits against lawful firearms manufacturers and dealers.

“Big city mayors conceived these lawsuits to try and litigate American gun manufacturers – who President Roosevelt referred to as “the arsenal of democracy” – out of business,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist.

In 2000, New York City, Washington, D.C. and several individual plaintiffs sued gun manufacturers, based on the idea that although they manufactured a legal product, forcing them to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees just to prove their innocence in court would drive them into bankruptcy. In addition to being based on a bogus legal theory, these lawsuits endangered American armed forces and law enforcement. During congressional debate over the PLCAA, the Department of Defense agreed with the NRA that bankrupting U.S. gun makers and making us dependent on foreign countries like France, Russia or China for small arms is a threat to America’s domestic and international security.

A Criminal Justice information website has named NFA Gun Trust Lawyer® Blog one of the 50 Best Blogs for Gun Enthusiast. The list has us as number 18 and the first under Rights, Law, & Politics.  They break down the list into the following categories:

  • Celebrating Guns -These bloggers are just plain old gun lovers.
  • Gear – Read up on the latest in gun gear on these blogs.
  • Rights, Law & Politics – Learn about your rights, and how they are affected by law and politics from these blogs.
  • Self-Defense – Find out how citizens are defending themselves through these blogs.
  • Shooting Sports – Check out these blogs to learn about competitive shooting.
  • Hunting – These blogs celebrate the thrill of the hunt.

We have had several clients ask us for an inventory sheet for  to keep with the firearms assets in their trust.  The following excel template will allow you to track all of your firearms and note which are registered and which are subject to the ATF.  You can modify the document to meet your needs and it can provide your successor trustee additional help and guidance in the event of your incapacity or death. Firearms-inventory.xls


The Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference (SHOT Show) is the largest and most comprehensive trade show for all professionals involved with the shooting sports and hunting industries. It is the world’s premier exposition of combined firearms,

ammunition, archery, cutlery, outdoor apparel, optics, camping and related products and services. The SHOT Show attracts buyers from all 50 states and more than 75 countries. The SHOT Show is owned and sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and is produced and managed by Reed Exhibitions.

The 2009 Show

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