
Texas NFA Trust

A NFA trust is a type of revocable trust that have been modified to deal with the unique issues of NFA and Firearms purchase, ownership, transfer and possession.

Most typical trusts like those created from Quicken, Legal Zoom, or other lawyers can create problems for the Trustees, successor trustees and beneficiaries because of the instructions and powers found within them. They actually can cause an individual to create criminal liability for breaking the law. You should be careful if you have a standard trust that you are using to hold possession to firearms. Firearms that are restricted by the NFA need to be treated differently that a traditional asset found within a Revocable trust.

If you would like your trust reviewed, contact a Gun Trust Lawyer® for more information. We have several Texas NFA trust attorneys and lawyers that we are working with. Make sure that when you are talking with a Texas NFA trust lawyer that they are using the latest version of our NFA Trust.

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