
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog


Pennsylvania’s UFA: Persons not to Possess, Use, Manufacture, Control, Sell, or Transfer Firearms

Pennsylvania’s UFA: Persons not to Possess, Use, Manufacture, Control, Sell, or Transfer Firearms     18 PA.C.S. § 6105 deals with persons who cannot possess, use, manufacture, control, sell, or transfer firearms. It must be noted that this section applies to convictions that were both committed within and outside of the…


Obama, Reacts to Heller Decision – Less than enthusiastic support

Here is Obama’s Statement: “I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms, but I also identify with the need for crime-ravaged communities to save their children from the violence that plagues our streets through common-sense, effective safety measures. The Supreme Court has…


More thoughts on Heller Decision

Dave Markowitz has posted Thoughts on the Heller Decision on his Blog O’Stuff, a Blog about Computing, Shooting, RKBA, and whatever else he feels like ranting about. He states that the court held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right for lawful purposes including self defense. 2) Some restrictions…


Supreme Court: 2nd Amendment – Right of Individual to Keep and Bear Arms

Today the Supreme Court issued a historic ruling overturning Washington, D.C.’s ban on handguns and on self-defense in the home, in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller. It vindicates individual Americans all over this country who have always known that this is their freedom worth protecting,” declared NRA…


How to set up a revocable living trust to purchase National Firearms Act (NFA) or Class 3 weapons

Do you want to purchase a Class 3 item?  These include Silencers, Sort barreled rifles, and Machine Guns.  You need to check and see if you are allowed to own the weapon you desire. 1) Check your state to see if that weapon is permitted.2) Check to see if your…


Constructive Possession of Class 3 Firearms

Constructive possession is a legal fiction to describe a situation where an individual has actual control over property without actually having physical control of the same assets. At law, a person with constructive possession stands in the same legal position as a person with actual possession. When an individual purchases…


States Without Constitutional Rights to Bear Arms

STATES WITHOUT CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS: Only a few states do not have a constitutional provision dealing withe the right to bear arms: California, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York. Updated  10/14/11

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