
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog


Last minute change to law gives most of Disney an exemption

“Preservation and Protection of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Motor Vehicles Act of 2008” that creates an exception for companies whose primary business is to manufacture, use, store or transport explosives regulated under federal law. According to the Sun Sentinal, Peaden the sponsor of the bill “Intended…


Tennessee Firearms Association Legislation to help Process Class III Firearms Transfers

Tennessee Firearms Association writes legislation to help process Class III transfers One issue that citizens of many states face is the fact that the BATF forms which are necessary to complete a transfer of ownership of a Class III or NFA weapon (or to make certain Class III weapons) ostensibly…


Owning NFA Firearms with a Dealer’s license

Some NFA firearms collectors, who are not engaged in any firearms business, have been known to acquire a GCA license to deal in firearms and pay the NFA special tax to acquire NFA firearms for their personal firearms collections. This is not a wise thing to do and violates the…


Pennsylvania’s Firearm and Ammunition Preemption Clause

Pennsylvania’s Firearm and Ammunition Preemption Clause 18 PA.C.S. § 6120 states, “No county, municipality or township may in any manner regulate the lawful ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms, ammunition or ammunition components when carried or transported for purposes not prohibited by the laws of this Commonwealth.” This type…

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