Leonard Elliot’s store was raided by the ATF almost 3 years ago. After a 3 day trial he and his father were found not guilty on all counts. JPFO has an audio interview with Leonard Elliott about his ordeal. To listen to this interview click the following link leonard-elliott.mp3 target=new
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog
Quicken Trusts: Why they are a bad idea for estate planning and firearms
Many of my clients are converting their quicken trusts to NFA trusts to deal with the problems in owning, transferring, and possessing Title II firearms in a trust that was created from a form, dealer, quicken, legal zoom or other generic form. Last week I got a review copy of…
NFA Trust
Many people ask what is a NFA Trust and how is it different from a living trust or revocable living trust. A NFA trust is a trust document that has been customized to deal with the specific legal issues surrounding the transfer, possession, and use of firearms that are restricted…
NFA, 26 U.S.C. Chapter 53
We have created a quick link to the NFA: https://www.guntrustlawyer.com/nfa.html Click to download a copy of the National Firearms Act NFA.pdf
Missouri (MO) What NFA Class 3 Firearms can I own? Updated
There are several type of Class 3 items that are restricted by the National Firearms Act. Each state can impose additional restrictions on the sale, purchase, and transfer of class 3 firearms in addition to the compliance that is required with the National Firearms Act. In Missouri you can own…
Child Killed by UZI: Did gun show Violate the National Firearms Act
This week an 8 year old child shot and killed himself at a gun show in Massachusetts. For a good analysis of the potential negligence claims involving a child using a Machine Gun look at David Wolf’s Florida Child Injury Lawyer Blog. This unfortunate incident goes to show the dangers…
What happens if I travel with my Class 3 Firearms regularly?
An individual may submit ATF Form 5320.20, to temporarily or permanently transport his firearm in interstate commerce. The ATF will approve this form for up to one year as long as the individual is going back and forth to the same location. In that way the individual does not have…
What happens if I move before taking possession of Class 3 firearms?
In the rare event that you change states between the time you send in your form 4 transfer tax and the time it is approved you must void the original transfer and make a new application from the state you moved to. If it is purchase by an individual, you…
Palm Pistol – An Ergonomic Firearm with a Combination Lock
Working with many elderly clients in my Florida Elder Law and Florida Estate Planning Law firm, I like to report on items that tend to make life easier and have yet to see another product like this. As people age, they often develop medical issues that would prevent them form…
New Jersey (NJ): What NFA Firearms can I own? Updated
There are several type of Title II firearms that are restricted by the National Firearms Act. Each state can impose additional restrictions on the sale, purchase, and transfer of NFA or Title II firearms, these are sold by gun dealers who have a Class 3 SOT. New Jersey permits limited…