NFA Trust Attorney David Goldman and the Gun Trust Lawyer®‘s blog have 40 NFA trust attorneys who are licensed in states around the country. If you need help creating a NFA Firearms Trust to purchase, hold, or use items restricted by the NFA or help when your CLEO will not…
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog
Shot Show – New Fingerprint RFID Gun introduced
One of the more innovative ideas in a firearm safety was the combination fingerprint sensor on the watch, and the RFID controlled sensor built into a semi automatic pistol. Neat concept but they still have some work on logistics.
Heller II – Another case filed by Dick Heller
Yesterday I met Dick Heller at the Shot Show in Orlando. He autographed a card and asked that it be copied and distributed to others. I will post it when I get back to the office next week. Dick Heller and two other plaintiffs filed suits against the District of…
Shot Show- New Rotating Gun Safe from Pendleton Safe Company
Pendleton Safe Company of Georgia introduced a new concept in a Firearms safe at the Shot Show in Orlando this week. The inside of the safe is lighted and rotates for easy access to the firearm or item of choice. Some of the features are: Hassle-free access makes cleaning your…
Do you have kids and a Gun?
Saw this product at the ShotShow and thought it was great. Now, for the first time in history, you can have a safety device that works when your gun is unloaded or loaded. More importantly, it allows you to make your gun ready to fire faster than any other…
NFA trust and Trusts created with Quicken
There are several articles on that discuss trusts for Title II firearms. While much of the information is correct, there are a few problems with the articles and what is stated does not apply in all states. You should have your trust verified by a lawyer for compliance with…
Gun Dealer Program to be introduced in Conjunction with Orland Shot Show
A program has been created to offer education and training to dealers selling items restricted by the NFA. This program will work in conjunction with attorneys licensed in their state to provide free education on the advantages and proper uses of a NFA Gun trust to purchase Title II firearms…
Shot Show Begins Wednesday January 15th in Orlando Florida
The Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference (SHOT Show) is the largest and most comprehensive trade show for all professionals involved with the shooting sports and hunting industries. It is the world’s premier exposition of combined firearms, ammunition, archery, cutlery, outdoor apparel, optics, camping and related products and services.…
Gun Sales Up 24% in December: Shortage of Form 4473
The FBI Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported a 24% increase in December over last year. Over 1.5 Million checks was an increase of 42% over November and the highest number of checks in history. As a result in the unprecedented demand for the ATF Forms 4473 (5300.9) part I…
Michigan NFA Trust Lawyers in Waterford, Farmington Hills, and Grand Haven
We have NFA Gun Trust Lawyer®s in several locations in Michigan to help purchase Title II firearms or those restricted under the National Firearms Act. To purchase these items you need a Class 3 license or permit to take possession of the SBR, SBS, or Machine Gun. Note there are…