While many dealers provide Trusts and help clients fill our Trust Documents ( a violation of law in most states), this was the first time I had run across a Manufacture of Title II firearms who was providing trusts to clients. This Trust was not being completed by the Class…
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog
ATF Form 1 (5320.1)for SBR/SBS with multiple barrel lengths
When submitting a Form 1 to the ATF for a SBR or SBS with multiple barrel lengths, the ATF will no longer accept a Form 1 with multiple barrel lengths. It is recommended that you submit the ATF Form 1 (5320.1) with a single barrel length for approval. Follow this…
How do I transfer firearms that I now own into my new NFA Gun Trust?
If you have regular firearms and your state allows you to transfer them to an individual without going through a dealer, you can fill out the assignment form that we supply with the NFA firearms trust. On the other hand if your state requires other steps to give or sell…
Update: – Free NFA Trust Form for Class 3, Title II purchases.
I was contacted by the firearms dealer offering the Free downloads of the NFA trust and they have removed the links on their website. Since being contacted, by this dealer I have had reports of other dealers in Florida, Texas, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and South Carolina who are offering Free…
How to Fill out an ATF 5320.1 Form 1 for a NFA Trust
When filling out a Form 1 for the first time with your NFA trust it can be confusing. With an ATF Form 4, there is typically a dealer involved or someone who has done it before so there are not as many questions. I have created a page on How…
Do trustees of the NFA Gun Trust have to fill out forms, be fingerprinted, or have a background check by the CLEO?
While a trustee needs to sign the Form 4 or Form 1, no additional paperwork is required because a NFA Gun Trust is being used. Other Trustee’s do not need to sign the paperwork, if you are using a properly drafted NFA trust that authorized any Trustee to make the…
Must I update the ATF if I modify my NFA firearms Trust or Gun Trust?
According to Mr. Howard, the section chief of the ATF, there is no requirement under the NFA or BATFE to update a modified Trust with the ATF when the people involved are modified. The only time that the ATF must be notified is if one of the Trustees becomes ineligible…
Free NFA Trust Form for Class 3, Title II purchases.
Free NFA Trusts from your dealer – are they worth the paper they are written on, or could you face jail time for relying on bad advise from your dealer? Recently I was contacted by a client who’s gun dealer provides their clients a free Revocable Trust to purchase NFA…
If the NFA trust “owns” the firearms, who may use them?
Any current Trustee of the NFA trust may use the firearms. A properly drafted NFA trust will have provisions that make a trustee ineligible to serve if they are disqualified for one of the legal reasons a person cannot be in possession of an Title II firearm under the NFA.
May I or should I place other firearms / weapons in the NFA trust (rifles, shotguns, pistols, knives)
One of the most common questions regarding the formation of a NFA trust is whether it is a good idea to put other firearms or weapons in the trust with the Title II firearms. Generally as long as you would want those items to go to the same beneficiaries, there…