
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog


GUNPAL, Inc. is a transaction-neutral online payments platform with a philanthropic spirit

“GUNPAL, Inc. is a transaction-neutral online payments platform with a philanthropic spirit,” announces Founder/CEO Ben Cannon. “It is also the first serious competitor for PayPal Inc.” A percentage of each transaction is donated to a selected charity at no additional cost to the user. The initial list of organizations includes…


What is a NFA Firearms Trust?

WHAT IS AN NFA FIREARMS TRUST NFA Firearms (also called Title II Firearms) are guns and other items regulated by the National Firearms Act (the “NFA”). Many people mistakenly refer to them as “Class 3” firearms or weapons. The NFA regulates the sale, use, possession, and transfer of machine guns,…


Why Do I Need an NFA Firearms Trust?

WHY DO I NEED AN NFA FIREARMS TRUST? No CLEO Signature Required The ATF requires that all individuals obtain approval from their Chief Law Enforcement Officer (the “CLEO”) as part of the application process to obtain a Title II firearm from another individual or Class 3 dealer. Many CLEOs around…


Supreme Court to Hear 2A Case: McDonald v. Chicago

The Supreme Court has recently decided to hear the landmark Second Amendment case of McDonald v. Chicago. This case will address the application of the Second Amendment to the states through either the Due Process clause or the Privileges or Immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The case has major…


Mayors Against Illegal Gun – 50 Florida Mayors remain members

From the NRA: Despite its very misleading name, this national group of anti-gun mayors has lobbied Congress against national reciprocity of state Right-to-Carry permits, against much-needed reform of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), for regulating gun shows out of existence, and for repealing the Tiahrt…


Jacksonville’s Mayor John Peyton Joins Anti-Gun Group

Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton Joined “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” which was founded and funded by the anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The name of the organization is very misleading as the NRA calls the organization a front group to lobby Congress to oppose important pro-gun reforms and support new federal gun…


Florida Man Arrested for Constructive Possession of an SBR

NFA firearms and Constructive Possession. Some said it would never happen, but it seem that just recently Jesus Amador was arrested for possession / Constructive possession of an SBR. Florida law does not allow individuals to possess the pieces to readily build an SBR, SBS, or Machine Gun unless permitted…

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