
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog


ATF says ATI’s Fake Suppressor is Regulated by NFA

If you purchased a GSG 5 SD model with a barrel shroud (Fake Suppressor) ATF has now determined that this is regulated by the NFA and must be replaced. To all retail customers: On January 2010 American Tactical Imports Inc received official notification from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms…


ATF Reviewing Trusts for Legal Validity

The ATF has recently made a decision to review Trusts for legal sufficiency. While this may slow things down for those using generic trust for NFA purchases (Quicken, Legal Zoom, Gun Store Trusts) I think its a good idea and will protect many from unknowingly violating the NFA. We have…


My lawyer says not to worry but I would like a second opinion from an NFA lawyer.

Today I received an email from someone who was forming a trust to transfer assets from their father’s estate. There were NFA items in the father’s estate. The person’s estate planning lawyer had advised them that it was OK to transfer NFA firearms to a trust using a general assignment…


ATF Now wants Certification of Compliance with Trust

NOTE The 5330.20 has been integrated into the Form 4 and Form 1 as of July 12,  2016 so this is no longer necessary. While ATF has previously stated that a certification of compliance is not necessary for trusts, they have now changed their mind or at lease in some…


Does the Definition of Education in Your Firearms and Estate Planning Trust Allow for Firearms Training?

A California Gun and & Trust Lawyer, (not currently a NFA Gun Trust Lawyer®) has written an interesting article on creating language in your trust to specifically permit the trust funds to be used for firearms education and training along with the typical K-12, college, or post-graduate study that most…

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