
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog


So what is a NFA Gun Trust and why is ours Different than other “Gun Trusts”?

One of the most common questions I get pertains to the use of regular or other so called gun trusts for the purchase of items restricted by the NFA. The are many differences between a family, limited, or standard revocable trust and our NFA Firearms Trust. The biggest difference is…


Gun Store Provides Invalid Trust Form; ATF Initially Approves 3 Transfers

A Washington state gun store prepared an invalid trust for their customer and the ATF approved three Form 4 transfers. Not only is the preparation of a trust by a non-lawyer the unauthorized practice of law, but it also could put you at risk of an invalid transfer, possession, and…


May the barrel on an SBR or SBS be replaced with a long barrel with the intent of replacing the short barrel at a later time?

There have been many discussions on this and it appears that as of July 2010 the answer is: Yes, and you will not be required to again register the firearm before replacing the short barrel. ATF recommends written notification to the NFA Branch when a firearm’s configuration is permanently changed…


What if I want to install a long barrel on my SBR or SBS?

If you want to make a permanent change to the SBR or SBS, it should be removed from the NFA and will not then be regulated under the NFA. If the owner maintains possession or control over the short barrel riffle or shotgun they should be careful about constructive possession…


Restrictions IF I remove my barrel from a registered SBR or SBS

If you still own or have control over the barrel or parts required to assemble the SBR or SBS, the firearm would still be subject to NFA transfer and possession regulations. ATF recommends contacting State law enforcement officials to ensure compliance with state and local law. (In Florida and some…


McDonald v Chicago: Supreme Court Reversed and Remanded Case

The Supreme Court has ruled today in an opinion by Judge Alito that the 2nd Amendment applies to the states through the 14th. More to come later. If you want to read the decision it’s posted on the Supreme Court Website – McDonald v. Chicago or from our website McDonald_v_Chicago.pdf

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