
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog


Florida Passes Pro 2nd Amendment Legislation: Penalties for Violating Firearms Preemption Law

Starting October 1st, any public official who passes or enforces gun regulations below the state level. State officials who enact or enforce local gun laws in violation face a $5,000 personal fine and could even be removed from office by the governor. The new law is called the Penalties for…


ATF Ruling:Rifles Configured From Pistols, and Offers Q&A’s Related to Multiple Long Gun Reporting

Pistols Configured from Rifles; Rifles Configured from Pistols ATF has issued a new Ruling regarding Pistols Configured from Rifles; Rifles Configured from Pistols ATF Rule 2011-4 The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has received requests from individuals to classify pistols that are reconfigured into rifles, for personal…


Gun Shop Liability for Distributing Living Trusts and the Unauthorized Practice of Law

I recent read a very well written article by a Washington Lawyer regarding liability for the gun store and potential ethical violations for an attorney who works with a gun store in regards to providing Trust Forms. Many state bars have gone after Trust Mills in the past for very…


Gun Trust Lawyer® David Goldman added to FFLGuard Programs

With the increased response and questions regarding Trusts for firearms and other NFA firearms, Gun Trust Lawyer® David Goldman will be working with FFLGuard and their Firearms Dealers and Manufactures to help educate Class III dealers of Title II firearms around the country and provide their employees and clients with…


Missouri (MO) What NFA Class 3 Firearms can I own?

There are several type of Class 3 items that are restricted by the National Firearms Act. Each state can impose additional restrictions on the sale, purchase, and transfer of class 3 firearms in addition to the compliance that is required with the national Firearms Act. In Missouri you can own…



The ATF National Firearms Act (NFA) Branch is pleased to announce that as of July 2011, ATF Forms 1, 2, 10 and ATF Form 5320.20 will be assigned to a legal instruments examiner for processing according to the State of the applicant’s address. The NFA Branch also will begin assigning…

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