In the NFATCA booth, Jeff was showing one of his H&K Briefcase guns in full auto. Current price on these which are pre 86 transferable is around 20K. If you are looking for the briefcase alone to add a semi automatic, you will need a $5 AOW tax stamp and…
NFA Gun Trust Lawyer Blog
KelTec’s new threaded 22 PMR-30
KelTec showed several new guns at the Shot Show Today. They included a new version of their PMR-30 which is a light weight, full size pistol chambered for the flat-shooting .22 Magnum cartridge (.22WMR). The PMR-30 operates on a unique hybrid blow back / locked-breech system. This operation system allows…
ATF arrests 49 for Violations including possession of SBS
Several Atlanta residents were recently sentenced to serve time after being convicted on varying federal firearms and narcotic related charges, according to information received from agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). These sentences are a result of an ATF initiated undercover operation, called ATL Blaze.…
May a FFL or an individual legally possess the parts to manufacture an SBR or SBS as long as no firearms are actually assembled?
It appears that ATF does not permit individuals to own the parts necessary to make a SBR or SBS prior to receiving their permission to manufacture / assemble the items. Because of this is it recommended that the same person should not purchase all of the items necessary to make…
May a FFL repair a silencer by replacing worn or damaged components?
A person who is licensed under the Gun Control Act (GCA) to manufacture firearms and who has paid the special (occupational) tax to manufacture National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms may replace a component part or parts of a silencer as long as the repairs do not result in removal, obliteration,…
What happens if I move to a state where my NFA firearms are not permitted?
If you own the firearms as an individual, the NFA firearms may be left in a safe deposit box in your former State of residence. The firearm can also be left or stored in the former State of residence at the house of a friend or relative in a locked…
Laredo Man Gets 10 Years for Illegal Possession
Today the ATF announced that a Laredo man was sentenced to 10 years for the illegal possession of a firearm. It is important to understand who can and who cannot own, possess, or use firearms whether they are Title I or Title II firearms. Just because you might not consider…
Suppressor for Saigai 12 and other ShotGuns
American Specialty Ammo defines the Boom Stick as the Biggest and baddest suppressor of their line and can be used on the Saiga as well as older pump shotguns to reduce recoil, sound, and flash. The Boom Stick is $799 making it one of the more reasonable shotgun silencers that…
Defining the Right to Keep and Bear Arms?
Defining the Right to Keep and Bear Arms? What does it mean and what will it mean in the future? In all the excitement over the past few years with the Supreme Court cases regarding the Second Amendment many questions have been raised about how to evaluate laws that seem…
New NICS Appeal Process & Information being Gathered by the FBI
Another huge benefit of using a properly designed gun trust is that you can maintain your privacy. While NICS checks are being done in most cases on NFA firearms, they are only being done on the person who is involved with the transaction in much the same way as they…