
Last minute change to law gives most of Disney an exemption

“Preservation and Protection of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Motor Vehicles Act of 2008” that creates an exception for companies whose primary business is to manufacture, use, store or transport explosives regulated under federal law.

According to the Sun Sentinal, Peaden the sponsor of the bill “Intended it to exempt places like defense plants, Air Force bases,
things like that,” 
“But not Disney. Not at all.”

But on the same day that the House took its final vote on the gun bill,
the exemption for explosives companies was revised so that it also includes “property owned or leased by an employer who has obtained a permit” under federal law for such explosives.

Disney has such a permit, for the extensive fireworks used in its theme parks.

It appears that Disney’s letter to employees is not an attempt to violate the law, but they were able to get an exemption from the law as they state.

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