While times have varied greatly over the last few years, it appears that the time your ATF Form 4 or Form 1 will take for approval seems to be tied to who the examiner is. A website NFATRACKER.com is collecting information on the times and offers some reporting on how long various transfers are taking. While the site is gaining speed and beginning to gather data, anyone who has a recent transfer should go and record your results. It is easy to create a login and select the type of item and whether you were an individual trust or corporation and the dates that certain events took place. So far we do not know how or if there is a way to pick who your examiner is by what the name of your trust is. The site’s manager has stated that one reader seems to have found that there is some correlation between the name of the dealer and the examiner but it is still unknown if you can do anything to improve the time you trust takes for approval. If we figure anything out we will keep you updated. If you need help finding a local NFA Gun Trust attorney, have questions about a trust, or want to create a Valid NFA trust Contact Us.