How many of you have taken your silencer out to show to someone. Did you know that even if it is not attached to a gun, a silencer is defined by federal law as a firearm. Many states also define it as a dangerous weapon like a taser or a…
Articles Posted in Title II Weapons
Gun Store Provides Invalid Trust Form; ATF Initially Approves 3 Transfers
A Washington state gun store prepared an invalid trust for their customer and the ATF approved three Form 4 transfers. Not only is the preparation of a trust by a non-lawyer the unauthorized practice of law, but it also could put you at risk of an invalid transfer, possession, and…
Class III Dealers
We are often asked for a list of Class III dealers. There is a website that lists Class III dealers in many states. is a sponsor of the site as we have found it to be a useful site to our clients.
Listen to GunTalk Sunday at 3 PM EST Call 1-866-825-5486 (June 6th)
Want to ask a question about Title II firearms or the NFA and NFA trusts, I will be the guest of Tom Gresham on Gun Talk tomorrow (June 6th) at 3 PM EST. Call 1-866-825-5486 to ask questions or just email us. If you do not get Gun Talk in…
How long does a Form 1 or Form 4 Take to be Approved by the ATF
While times have varied greatly over the last few years, it appears that the time your ATF Form 4 or Form 1 will take for approval seems to be tied to who the examiner is. A website is collecting information on the times and offers some reporting on how…
BATFE Engraving Requirements for Short-Barreled Rifle or Shotgun (SBS/SBR)
Publication ATF 5300.4 in 27 CFR 479.102 (page 92) describes what is necessary to engrave on a SBR or SBS when one is manufacturing. This is not necessary if you purchase one that is already manufactured as it will have been done for you. 1) On the Frame or Receiver…
ATF says ATI’s Fake Suppressor is Regulated by NFA
If you purchased a GSG 5 SD model with a barrel shroud (Fake Suppressor) ATF has now determined that this is regulated by the NFA and must be replaced. To all retail customers: On January 2010 American Tactical Imports Inc received official notification from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms…
ATF Reviewing Trusts for Legal Validity
The ATF has recently made a decision to review Trusts for legal sufficiency. While this may slow things down for those using generic trust for NFA purchases (Quicken, Legal Zoom, Gun Store Trusts) I think its a good idea and will protect many from unknowingly violating the NFA. We have…
Constructive Possession: NFA Trusts vs Individual Ownership
The NFA defines who can own a Title II firearm as a natural person, corporation or trust…. When an individual makes application to own a Title II firearm they are the only person who can be in possession or have access to the firearm. This creates a problem for many…
How to Explain a Gun Trust to Family or Friends who are not Pro Firearms Rights
Recently my wife was in New York visiting some family when they attempted to convince her that I, her husband, was helping criminals avoid background checks and arming them with machine guns, assault weapons, and other “illegal” firearms. Additionally, the opined that my NFA Gun Trust Lawyer® website was a radical Gun…