In Missouri, you have previously needed to be an FFL to purchase Title II firearms from a Class 3 dealer. This may change soon as a new bill which is proposed to be effective on 8/28/11 would remove the FFL restriction. This means, you could use a Gun Trust to…
Articles Posted in FAQ’s
The Importance of Providing for Firearms Education, Training, and Activities in your Gun Trust
While most trusts provide for educational activities, very few Successor Trustees or attorneys would consider firearms training, education, or firearms related activities under the educational provisions of a trust. At the same time, you would not typically want your firearms sold to provide these educational activities to your children or…
The Importance of Naming a Beneficiary in your Gun Trust
One of the basic foundations of a Trust or Gun Trust is that there must be a named beneficiary that exists at the time you create your trust. If there is not a named beneficiary that exists at the time the trust is created, the trust is invalid, and if…
Owning a Machine Gun in California
One of the Gun Trust Lawyers® we work with in California has written an article on owning a Machine Gun in California which deals with the requirements and process that is involved. Not only is there a special application for the California Permit but one needs to establish good cause…
New NFA Gun Trust Brochure Available
We have a new version of our NFA Brochure available to download and review. if you are interested in finding out more about NFA Trusts download the new NFA_Gun_Trust_brochure.pdf. We would appreciate any feedback on the document. —— If you want to create your own Gun Trust without a lawyer,…
How to purchase a Title II Firearm from an out of state person.
When you are purchasing a silencer, SBR, SBS, Machine Gun, AOW, or DD from an out of state resident there are two ways of accomplishing the transfer. The first and slower way is to do a Form 4 transfer to a local Class 3 SOT dealer. Once this is approved…
2011 Edition of Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States
The 2011 edition contains over 90 changes from last year’s edition including: * 50 new sections detailing handgun carry in restaurants that serve alcohol * New section detailing carry in Semi-tractor trailers * Complete redraft of state pages making information even more “user friendly” * Coverage of states that require…
Purchase of Previously Manufactured NFA Firearm under a Form 1
If you are purchasing a Firearm that was previously manufactured under a Form 1 it may contain the engraving of the previous owner. Since this item was previously manufactured, you will be using an ATF Form 4 and not an ATF Form 1 to transfer this item and as such…
Have NFA Gun Trusts or Revocable Living Trusts Been Successfully Challenged by ATF?
We often get questions regarding the use of NFA Trusts in regards to legal challenges to show that they are permitted under the NFA. While there are no successful challenges that stand for the positive or negative use of a NFA Trust, Trusts are not generally denied because the Federal…
Brandishing a Silencer?
How many of you have taken your silencer out to show to someone. Did you know that even if it is not attached to a gun, a silencer is defined by federal law as a firearm. Many states also define it as a dangerous weapon like a taser or a…